
Top Ten Best Warships

Naval warfare and Naval supremacy has decided the fate of nations, and the power that rules the waves, rules the world.
In order to rules those wave, you need the best ships possible. These are the best of the best, they are the top ten warships of all time.  
 1. Iowa Class - Fast Battleship; United States
Like a cat, the the Iowa class fast battleship seems to have many, many lives. Mothballed at the end of World War II, the Iowas were soon recalled for action in the Korean War .

Again mothballed, they were once more called for the Vietnam War . Almost 50 years after the first Iowa was launched, they were made ready for the cold war.

In 1991, the Iowas answered the call again - when they went into action during operation Desert Storm. 
2. Nimitz Class - Aircraft Carrier; United States
Nimitz Class
With the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, the threat of the cold war vanished and the Nimitz class carrier's role changed to one of peacekeeper throughout the world.

And its this ability to go anywhere in the world at a moments notice, and at a speed of 30 knots, that makes the Nimitz class invaluable to the US Navy. But what makes the Nimitz class unique is its two nuclear reactors that enables them to roam the world indefinitely. 
3. Queen Elizabeth Class - Battleship; Great Britain
Launched in 1913, The Queen Elizabeth battleship was the first of a new design of fast battleships that were powered by oil rather than coal.
By early 1916, she was joined by her four sister ships - Barham, Malaya, Valiant and Warspite. Armed with eight 16-inch main guns, and sixteen 6-inch secondary, the Queen Elizabeth class were the most powerful British class warships in World War 1 . 
4. Ticonderoga Class - Missile Cruiser; United States
Initially developed as a Cold War warrior in the 1970's as an answer to the Soviet arms race, the Ticonderoga class' first role was seen as a guided missile destroyer. But it was felt by the Navy brass that something bigger was needed, so Ticonderogas were upgraded to fast cruisers in 1980.

Known as the instigators of the completely 'computer controlled' ships, the Ticonderogas are at the center of today's digital battlefield and have seen service off the coast of Lebanon, Kuwait and Korea, acting in either a peace keeping or offensive roles.

5. Fletcher Class - Destroyer; United States
When one Fletcher class destroyer, the USS Johnston, was commissioned, her Captain made a speech to his crew that typified the destroyer man's creed.

"This is going to be a fighting ship. I intend to go in harms way, and anyone who doesn't want to go along had better get off right now."

By early 1943, the first five Fletcher class destroyers had arrived in the Pacific, their task was to target and smash the Japanese supply convoys.

Already the role of the Destroyer was changing. Once looked on as a defense for the capital ships, the new Fletchers were now being thrown into the furnace of battle.
6. North Carolina Class
north carolina
On June 1, 1940, the first of the new North Carolina class battleships, the USS Washington, was launched. She and her sister ship, the USS North Carolina, were the first of the new generation American battleships that called for better torpedo and deck armor, longer endurance and gas protection.

Over the next three years there was hardly an action that the North Carolina class were not involved in. 
 7. Bismarck Class - Battleship
Launched in February 1939, and known as Hitler's favorite ship, the German naval brass were itching to get the Bismarck into the fight. On May 19, 1941, they got their wish. The Bismarck went on her first war patrol in the north Atlantic.

Six days later, on May 25th, Bismarck sighted the British Navy's Battleship HMS Hood. Five salvos from the Bismarck's superior guns sent the Hood to the bottom of the ocean.

The Royal Navy wanted revenge for the Hood, and the order went out, 'Sink the Bismarck!'

For over three days the British fleet hunted and chased the Bismarck. Finally, on the morning of May 27th, with its steering smashed from torpedo bombers, the pride of the German Navy was cornered.

For over three hours the Bismarck slugged it out with the British fleet and at 10:39 a.m. she was sunk with over 2000 men lost.
8. Essex Class - Aircraft Carrier 
On March 17 1945, during an air strike against the Japanese Island of Honshu, one Essex class aircraft carrier - the USS Franklin came under attack.

As wave after wave of suicide pilots came in, the Franklin fought for its life. For over 12 hours the ship was a blazing furnace. 724 members of her crew were killed. But the Franklin was so well designed and built that she didn't sink.

In total, 24 Essex class were built - more than any other class of large carrier - and when peace came, the Essex carriers remained in service for another 30 years. No other class of aircraft carrier has served so long or so effectively 
9. Deutschland Class - Pocket Battleship
The British dubbed Germany's Deutschland class the 'pocket battleship' because it was so small, fast and deadly.

The secret of the pocket battleships' speed and power was the innovative design of making the ship lighter.

By using diesel engines, instead of steam turbines, and an electrically welded hull, the Deutschland class was able to cruise over 12,500 miles, equal to half way around the world. It sent shivers of fear throughout the allied navies. 
10. Hood Class - Battle Cruiser; Great Britain 
Known as the 'Mighty Hood', it was considered the greatest warship ever built, and throughout the 1920's and 30's went on world tours boasting its power and size.

But that boast would soon be shattered when World War II began. Hitler's navy had some of the most modern and sophisticated battleships. The Hood met her match in May of 1941 when she came up against the German Battleship Bismarck, and Heavy Battlecruiser Prinz Eugen.

It only took five salvos from Bismarck to pierce the Hood's deck armor. Within eight minutes the Hood sank and out of crew of 1418, only three men survived. 


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